Eric Cawley

August 1, 2018

Weed Killing Robots

Everybody loves their food to be clean, and ideally organic. The less herbicides (while retaining the quality of the crop) the better! Normally, this would mean that the plants would need an abnormal amount of attention, and the crops would be prohibitively expensive. However, the Swiss company “EcoRobotix” has another […]
July 25, 2018

Holograms in the Office

During Coachella in 2012, a cultural icon was resurrected. Tupac Shakur, who had been dead for nearly 2 decades, was seen singing and dancing on stage. This was done by projecting a 2-dimensional video onto a flat piece of glass. But Dr. Roel Vertegaal of Queen’s University has his goals […]
July 18, 2018

Sloppy Doctor Handwriting is a Thing of the Past

Your doctor’s handwriting – You’ve tried squinting, looking up what cursive letters look like, and even gotten a second and third opinion. But you still can’t understand what it is. It’s a pretty common phenomenon, but just because it’s common doesn’t make it any easier for the rest of us. […]
July 11, 2018

Drones are the future of food

In the 20th century, if you ordered pizza, Chinese, or sub sandwiches, you knew your pizza was going to be delivered by a kid in a crappy car or even a bike. It’s become a cultural icon having a pizza delivery man a common sight in day to day life. […]
June 1, 2018

Use Your Smart Phone to Check Your Blood Pressure

Many people with heart conditions must wear a blood pressure monitoring machine to keep track of their heart health. These can be very large and awkward to keep on you, much like the one above. For decades, people have been wishing that there was a more portable and convenient way […]
May 18, 2018

The Blimp of Giza

The Pyramids have stood for over 4,500 years. Their mystery has inspired and baffled countless civilizations, many of which have risen and fallen since the pyramids’ construction. Their mysteries aren’t all solved, either. Many parts of the pyramids are inaccessible, and forcing our way in there could destroy what is […]
May 4, 2018

A Solar Powered University

The solar panel industry is one that is quickly gaining traction. There are companies, and even entire countries, that are trying to switch to this form of energy. The University of Hawaii’s campus is trying to lead the US in this industry by aiming to be the first US school […]
April 15, 2018

Enlightening Embedded Systems

You just got the job of your dreams, and you’re moving to your new city. You have a family, and you want to make sure you live in a good place. You care about air quality, temperature, and sound levels in your area. If you live in a big area, […]
March 30, 2018

Farms of the Future

The human race has come a long way agriculturally. We started out as simple hunter/gatherers, then we established basic farms, employed domesticated animals to aid in the raising of crops, and then replaced the animals with the farming equipment we’ve come to know today. The next step in perfecting the […]
March 19, 2018

Upcoming: Total-Body Virtual Reality

Virtual reality can be very immersive. When you’re “into” a game, it can be easy to forget that there’s things around you that you can’t see (and hopefully you don’t knock over a lamp)! There have been add-ons to VR systems such as the Sense Glove (a glove that allows […]