Source code

April 30, 2014

Trade Secret Misappropriation of Software

A trade secret is something that provides an advantage to the company that owns it. It could be formulas, software, even lists of names. A trade secret is not disclosed publicly (unlike a patent, see post on patents.) If a company wishes to mark something a trade secret, it must […]
April 30, 2014

Patent Infringement of Software

Patents protect an invention. Unlike copyrights (see post on copyrights), one must apply for a patent by filing with the patent office. If the patent is granted, then the patent holder has exclusive rights to that invention. When an invention is submitted for a patent, it becomes public domain. Others […]
April 30, 2014

Copyright Infringement of Software

Most people have a good understanding of what copyright protection means with regards to written words, such as a book or an article. Those same protections also apply to software source code. Suppose I write some software in C as follows: y = 0; for (i=1; i<=x; i++) y += […]
February 21, 2017
Software source code on dark blue screen

Ten Strategies for Software IP Litigation

Software IP is different than most other IP in that there is no tangible end product. Based on my experience as an expert witness and consultant, the following are a few tips and strategies that might be considered regarding litigation of software IP. When requesting software during discovery, request commented […]